why do dogs eat paper towels and kleenex?

Why do dogs eat paper towels and kleenex?

Smell and Taste: 

Paper towels and tissues may hold onto different odors, and dogs have a highly developed sense of smell.

 Dogs may be drawn to these paper goods if they have come into touch with food or other things that have alluring odors. 

They may get curious and want to inspect or ingest the object as a result of the aroma. 

why do dogs eat paper towels and kleenex?

Paper towels and tissues may also appeal to certain dogs due to their texture, causing them to chew on or even consume them.

Being clever and sociable creatures, dogs need mental and physical activity to prevent boredom or attention-seeking.

 They may turn to behaviors like chewing on paper towels and tissues when they are bored or don't get enough attention from their owners. 

These items give them a ready target for their inquisitive impulses and can be used as a means of amusement or attention-seeking by their owners.

Your dog will be less likely to seek for and consume paper items if you provide them lots of mental and physical activity, engaging playing, and regular social connection.

why do dogs eat paper towels and kleenex?

Dogs with pica, also known as compulsive behavior, repeatedly consume non-food objects. Numerous things, such as dietary shortages, digestive problems, anxiety, boredom, or underlying medical diseases, might contribute to this behavior. 

Paper towels and tissues are just a couple of the non-edible items that dogs with pica have been known to devour.

It is essential to speak with a veterinarian if you have any reason to believe that your dog's consumption of tissues and paper towels is related to a larger pattern of compulsive or pica behavior. 

They may assess your dog's general health, do any required tests or examinations, and offer advice on how to treat the ailment.

why do dogs eat paper towels and kleenex?

The underlying causes of pica should be addressed in addition to the preventative measures already indicated. This may entail food changes, behavioural modification strategies, or medication provided by a veterinarian or veterinary behaviourist.

Bear in mind that each dog is an individual, and different factors may contribute to their attraction to tissues and paper towels. You may aid in preventing your dog from indulging in this potentially hazardous behaviour by being aware of the possible motives behind it and taking the necessary actions to address them.


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